
Project so far

Despite only managing to photograph four cafes (shit amount, in know) I've had a talk with Christian and we suggested that instead 0f making a book on these greasy spoon cafes, that I choose one and really focus my project around it, spending time there and building up my confidence skills to ahcieve the photographs I want. It seems to becoming more about my own personal development as a visual commuincator and photographer, rather than a collections project. I took a real liking to the Swan Street Cafe, as the tamopshere was really nice when I went in, and Bev the owner was dead friendly, as were the customers (a load of builders on their lunch break!). Im going to go down in the next few days and tell her my plans for the book and hopefully she'll agree. Im looking forward again to getting into this project as for quite a while it has seemed to be getting no where.

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