
Book ideas...

I've spent a few days in the swan street cafe, chatting with the cutsomers, taking photographs and getting to know what Bev and the cafe is about and Im starting to see a pattern forming. Its not just the fact it is your typical working mans greasy spoon cafe, and the typical cliches around them, its the experience you have in them which is part of what drives Bev to do what she does, as she said when i was chatting to her that they are a dying trade as people are wanting to eat in trendy places now.

But what i've noticed is that there are still plenty of people who still like the greasy spoon, as it is a social place as well as cafe. Ideally I would have liked to have spent more time here, but due to tight deadlines approaching for this project and i've only just within the last week or so decide thta I was going to make my book on one cafe, i need to start thiking of how Im going to present these photographs in the book.

I've enoyed talking with everyone in the cafe, and have got some really good feedback on it, though I think for my book I want it to be purely photgraphic, with an introduction to the book. I want the photos to speak for themselves and reflect my experience in the cafe.

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