

What is the right way to make a cup of tea? During my group crit we had a heated debate as to how to make the perfect cup of tea! milk first? keep your tea bag in? sugar or no sugar? mug or cup? drink it straight away? so many questions... heres how I make a cuppa ....

1) Choose what tea i want!
2) decide what cup would be best to drink it from
3) Boil the kettle
4) get milk from fridge
5) put tea bag in the cup
6) pour boiled water into cup
7) add milk until it turns a golden colour
8) put milk away
9) get spoon and stir
10) leave for 5 minutes and drink!

and NO i dont have sugar and YES i leave my tea bag in.

I went around asking people how they make their cup of tea and left some sheets of paper in the vis com studio for people to write down their process. Heres a sample of what I got. The rest of them can be found in my sketchbook, along with quotes from poeple as to how and why they do it that way.

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