
So what is it?

I have been wondering what collecting is. what does collecting actually entail? how do you become a collector? And how does something become a collection and not just a load of stuff? 

I think it is key to answer these questions before i even begin to think about what i want to base my project on. definitions:


col·lect 1        (kə-lěkt')  Pronunciation Key  
v.   col·lect·edcol·lect·ingcol·lects 

v.   tr. 
  1. To bring together in a group or mass; gather.
  2. To accumulate as a hobby or for study.
  3. To call for and obtain payment of: collect taxes.
  4. To recover control of: collect one's emotions.
  5. To call for (someone); pick up: collected the children and drove home.

v.   intr. 
  1. To come together in a group or mass; gather. See Synonyms atgather.
  2. To take in payments or donations: collecting for charity.

adv.   & adj. 
With payment to be made by the receiver: called collect; a collect phone call. 


col·lec·tion        [kuh-lek-shuhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1.the act of collecting.
2.something that is collected; a group of objects or an amount of material accumulated in one location, esp. for some purpose or as a result of some process: a stamp collection; a collection of unclaimed hats in the checkroom; a collection of books on Churchill.
3.the works of art constituting the holdings of an art museum:a history of the museum and of the collection.
4.the gathered or exhibited works of a single painter, sculptor, etc.: an excellent Picasso collection.
5.collections, the various holdings of an art museum organized by category, as painting, sculpture, works on paper, photography, or film: the director of the collections.
6.the clothes or other items produced by a designer, esp. for a seasonal line: the spring collection.
7.a sum of money collected, esp. for charity or church use.
8.Manègeact of bringing or coming into a collected attitude.

col·lec·tor        [kuh-lek-ter] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1.a person or thing that collects.
2.a person employed to collect debts, duties, taxes, etc.
3.a person who collects books, paintings, stamps, shells, etc., esp. as a hobby.
4.Electricitya device for accumulating current from contact conductors.
5.Electronicsan electrode in a transistor or vacuum tube for collecting electrons, ions, or holes.
6.Metallurgypromoter (def. 5).
7.Energysolar collector.

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